7204 Glen Forest Drive, Suite #105 Richmond, Virginia 23226 USA ♦ Toll-Free: (800) 356-3508 / Local: (804) 288-2482 ♦ www.CEFadvisors.com ♦ Contact@CEFadvisors.com
CEFData.com is the premium web-based extension of CEF Advisors’ CEF Universe project. We currently collect and produce 281 data points for US listed traditional closed-end funds and 208 data points for Business Development Companies (BDCs). Our current offering is weekly XLS and PDF files with our expansive data coverage for the universe of funds and a Daily CEF/BDC News and SEC Filings Alert service.
View Current Data Point List
CEF Fund Flows
CEF Advisors' 35 CEF/BDC Indexes: Our indexes cover the entire closed-end fund (CEF) and business development company (BDC) universe. The indexes cover both bond and equity sector indexes as well as diversified portfolio objective indexes. The indexes are priced daily from our internally collected CEFData.com research system and database launched in 2012. Data will be available on the indexes for additional benchmarking purposes including weighted discount, yield, leverage, duration, beta and other metrics for the underlying constituent funds. The indexes will be rebalanced quarterly. The indexes were developed to help us monitor our client portfolios as well as help our research/data clients and peers better benchmark themselves.
The firm's index project can be monitored via: www.cefdata.com/index. We offer a performance table and a data table webpage summarizing each index. Clicking on each indexes' name opens a detailed page containing the following information: 1. Index Methodology, 2. Market Price and Net Asset Value Performance, 3. Discounts, 4. Data Characteristics, 5. Holdings' Asset Allocation, 6. Constituent Funds, and 7. Daily index market price and net asset value pricing.
Data Tables for CEF Advisors' 35 Indexes:
Performance Tables for CEF Advisors' 35 Indexes:
Interval Closed-End Fund Structure (iCEF): CEF Advisors announces it’s launch of data coverage for the interval closed-end fund structure (iCEF) on CEFData.com.
CEFData.com offers the following services/modules with daily data updates:
CEFdata.com has the following services/modules in production:
Charted Data:
CEF Advisors: is a CEF/BDC Research, Data and Investment Management Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) firm founded in 1989. We manage 14 portfolio models for various income and growth investment objective and have products and services available to individual investors, investment professionals or fund sponsors. We are the portfolio consultant on Unit Investment Trust covering BDCs with SmartTrust and have some core models available with our distribution partner Covestor.
Free Limited BDC Data: BDC Universe: www.BDCUniverse.net
CEF Advisors’ Main Website: www.CEFadvisors.com
CEF Advisors’ Blog: www.CEF-Blog.com
Call Us: Toll Free (800) 356-3508 / Local: (804) 288-2482
7204 Glen Forest Drive, Suite #105
Richmond, Virginia, 23226 USA